My Body, My Choice.

This post discusses pregnancy termination and may be triggering to read.

Cherry Tree Counselling is built on the values of equality, diversity and inclusivity.  The essence of counselling is about helping and assisting - the basic principles of advocacy work. Fostering safe communities of care and protecting the health of women in our communities is an inherent part of our profession and is at the heart of what we do.  In addition to our one on one work with clients, we are also committed to recognizing and challenging the systemic barriers that exist to accessing the services and care we all need to live and thrive. 

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On June 24th, the United States Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe vs. Wade case that was decided nearly 50 years ago. Many of us are having strong reactions to this decision as we witness our U.S. neighbours and sisters being stripped of their reproductive rights. 


This reversal means that more of half of states will ban abortion and restrict the constitutional right of millions of Americans to terminate a pregnancy.  

Those who are or become pregnant will need to either travel hundreds of miles to reach a abortion provider or self-manage abortions at home through medication or other (often dangerous) means.

The impact of this decision is staggering and far-reaching. To remove an individual's ability to make decisions about their own bodies is a removal of their freedom...and a violation of their HUMAN RIGHTS.

The irony is devastating and the message clear. This is not about the sanctity of life. This is about power and control.

This decision will cost lives and put many people in danger.  

We must all use our voices and resist together, while supporting our U.S. neighbours we must also preserve access to abortion here in Canada. 

Abortion in Canada is legal at all stages of pregnancy, regardless of the reason, and is publicly funded as a medical procedure under the combined effects of the federal Canada Health Act and provincial health-care systems. However, access to services and resources varies by region and is not always accessible for many. 

The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) is dedicated to ensuring reproductive freedom by protecting and advancing rights and access to abortion and to quality reproductive health care. The ARCC”s primary focus is to protect abortion rights and access for women and transgender people capable of pregnancy.

If you need help accessing safe abortion in Canada or to learn more about how you can protect abortion access visit ARCC.


Want to take action?

Top 11 ways to take action to support reproductive rights:

1. Donate to abortion funds that help arrange and pay for abortion appointments and travel costs for those needing care. If you can’t donate yourself, share with your networks and ask them to help: 

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

National Abortion Federation (NAF) Canada

National Network of Abortion Funds (To help Americans)

2. Sign and share petitions supporting reproductive rights and opposing restrictions/barriers. 

3. Write your MP / MLA / MPP and keep in regular touch – let them know your stance and hold them to account to defend reproductive rights in Canada. 

4. Never vote for anti-choice candidates. 

5. Organize or participate in pro-choice campaigns and events. 

6. Share your own abortion story, and invite others to speak out. 

7. Write letters to the editor, leave comments online, write blogs or articles. 

8. Support your local reproductive health clinics and providers – not just donations, but notes of thanks. 

9. Join a pro-choice group, volunteer, or donate. 

10. Become better informed - Know your rights, the law, the facts. Don’t become complacent. 

11. Refute anti-choice propaganda and misinformation.


The time just before and after birth is a psychologically vulnerable time for women and birthing people. It is during this time that depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation are most likely to occur.   Things like being abandoned by one’s partner, being a victim of violence, having an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy, or anxiety over access to abortion services all increase the chance of distress.

Our non-denominational, non-judgemental, inclusive and women/person-centred approach welcomes all of your emotions, questions, considerations and secrets. With your safety and privacy assured, you will be able to freely explore your emotions, thoughts, and questions.

View PREGNANCY DECISION MAKING for more details.


Psychology Today Abortion and Mental Health

Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada: Our Bodies Our Choice

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