At Cherry Tree Counselling, we believe in the power of diverse perspectives and the richness they bring to our community.

That’s why we’re thrilled to present our curated collection of guest blogs from thought leaders, experts, and passionate individuals within the mental health and wellness field.


In this space, you’ll find a wide selection of insights, stories, and wisdom shared by our wonderful guest contributors. Each piece offers a unique viewpoint, shedding light on topics that matter most to you. From personal growth to mindfulness to industry trends and innovative ideas, our guest bloggers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.

Happy Reading!





Ever feel like you're pushing too hard when things just aren't ready? Heather Hendrie's beautiful piece, 'Ripe,' reminds us of the power of patience and the magic that happens when we let things unfold in their own time.

Dive into her story of a sun-warmed blackberry and the lessons it holds about timing, flow, and the gentle art of letting go.

Heather Hendrie, RCC, CCC



"By doing less, suddenly, I had more."

Heather shares her journey from being a 'fast person' to discovering the magic of mindful living. She reminds us that sometimes, the key to a richer life is doing less, not more.

Learn how slowing down can actually stretch time, deepen experiences, and transform our relationships through Heather's insightful writing.


Looking to share your voice?

Are you passionate about mental health, personal growth, or innovative therapeutic approaches? We’d love to hear from you!


We offer a community of care.

Whether you're facing a current challenge, a past pain, or are simply feeling stuck in this phase of your life, we can help you to live the life you want with intention, mindfulness and balance.

Connect with us and let’s talk about how we can help you.


Embracing All Emotions In The Quest For Self