Timely and relevant information to inspire growth and wellbeing

Holiday Stress and Mental Health
MENTAL HEALTH Cherry Tree Counselling & Psychotherapy Services MENTAL HEALTH Cherry Tree Counselling & Psychotherapy Services

Holiday Stress and Mental Health

Why are the holidays so stressful and what can you do about it? Let’s explore some commonly asked questions with Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) Amy Commanda.

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Seasonal Changes and Your Mental Health
MENTAL HEALTH Cherry Tree Counselling & Psychotherapy Services MENTAL HEALTH Cherry Tree Counselling & Psychotherapy Services

Seasonal Changes and Your Mental Health

This month we are talking about Seasonal Changes and Mental Health including Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a mood concern that impacts many individuals during the change of seasons (not just winter). Read on to learn more…

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Sleep and Your Mental Health
MENTAL HEALTH Cherry Tree Counselling & Psychotherapy Services MENTAL HEALTH Cherry Tree Counselling & Psychotherapy Services

Sleep and Your Mental Health

ZZZZZZ…..A good night’s sleep.  It’s what we all want, right? Let’s explore some common questions and answers with Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) Amy Commanda on this important topic. 

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The Effectiveness of Online Therapy
MENTAL HEALTH Cherry Tree Counselling & Psychotherapy Services MENTAL HEALTH Cherry Tree Counselling & Psychotherapy Services

The Effectiveness of Online Therapy

It wasn’t that long ago that counselling and therapy was strictly provided in person. However, with the advent of the pandemic and the rise of technology, therapy can now be accessed anywhere. But many have asked us… is online therapy as effective as in-person therapy?

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