Timely and relevant information to inspire growth and wellbeing
International Self-Care Day
This is your call to action and reminder that self-care is a necessary part of your life! This International Self-Care Day, let's change things up and create a self-care plan that works for you, so you enjoy more of your life! Learn why self-care is essential, practical ways to get started, and how free resources (like Ontario Parks Free Use Day) can help.
How to Talk With Your Children About Climate Change and Eco-Anxiety
We’re learning just how much our kids care about climate change. Big hearts can have big feelings. Together, let’s learn how to transform those feelings and fears into faith for the future with our newest blog post on children, parenting, and eco-anxiety.
The Impact of Climate Change on Children and Youth
And with all the constant news coverage and dire warnings, it’s no wonder that 75% of youth (age 16-25) say the future is frightening and 54.9% believe they won’t have access to the same opportunities as their parents. Let’s talk about why this is important.
Stigma vs Fact
Everyone has important men in their lives. Fathers, partners, sons, brothers, uncles, and friends. Their health matters to us. They’re why we need to have a conversation about their mental health — because they’re not talking about it enough.
Seniors Mental Health Matters
Mental health issues and disorders among older persons are going to affect every family as our aging population grows. Here’s what you need to know about seniors and mental health.
Indigenous Maternal Mental Health
While 20% of women worldwide experience perinatal mental health problems, Indigenous women are 62% more likely to develop perinatal mental health problems. Let’s talk more about why Indigenous Maternal Mental Health matters…
Queering Mental Health
On April 21st and 22nd, our very own Kate McDermott attended the Queering Mental Health Conference: Canada’s Leading 2SLGBTQIA+ Conference on Mental Health. To celebrate this, Kate was willing to share her recommendations for mental health resources that speak to the 2SLGBTQ+ experience…
How to Cope with Eco-Anxiety
At the end of the day, we only have one planet. We must fight for it, because we have no other option. However we can learn how to calm our eco-anxiety and turn that anxiety into action.
The Benefits of Online Counselling
Some people still hesitate to speak with an online therapist, as they worry counselling through a screen won’t be as effective as in-person. What are the advantages of online sessions over in-person meetings? Let’s take a look at online therapy and whether it’s a good option for you…
Instant Gratification vs Delayed Gratification
Delayed gratification and instant gratification. We’ve all heard these terms before. Many times we associate one with self-discipline and the other with weakness. Let’s dig into these concepts and how they may impact your mental health.
The Me and We of Intimacy
Intimacy. Although we often use this word in reference to physical or sexual closeness, it also encompasses emotional, mental, and spiritual closeness. Here’s how to cultivate connection with yourself and others…
How to Set Realistic Goals you Can Actually Achieve
As women, we often prioritize everyone else's needs over our own, but it's important to remember that we cannot pour from an empty cup. Here’s how to make self-care a priority by setting SMART goals…
Holiday Stress and Mental Health
Why are the holidays so stressful and what can you do about it? Let’s explore some commonly asked questions with Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) Amy Commanda.
Postpartum Mental Health Disorders
Let’s explore some common questions and answers with Registered Psychotherapist (Q) Amy Commanda on this important topic.
Seasonal Changes and Your Mental Health
This month we are talking about Seasonal Changes and Mental Health including Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a mood concern that impacts many individuals during the change of seasons (not just winter). Read on to learn more…
Sleep and Your Mental Health
ZZZZZZ…..A good night’s sleep. It’s what we all want, right? Let’s explore some common questions and answers with Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) Amy Commanda on this important topic.
My Body, My Choice.
This post discusses pregnancy termination and may be triggering to read.
The Effectiveness of Online Therapy
It wasn’t that long ago that counselling and therapy was strictly provided in person. However, with the advent of the pandemic and the rise of technology, therapy can now be accessed anywhere. But many have asked us… is online therapy as effective as in-person therapy?